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RPS Academies school is accredited by Cognia. For more than 125 years, schools have been inviting Cognia and their legacy agencies, NCA CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI, into their classrooms. Accreditation is the starting point for school improvement. Cognia utilizes research-based standards and evidence-based criteria, where the process probes the entire institution ranging from their policies to learning conditions and cultural context to determine how well the parts work together to meet the needs of every learner. Institutional accreditation is not just about passing a one-time inspection, it is about helping education providers meet improvement goals and sustain commitments to better learner outcomes. 

Cognia serves education providers of all types, from the public sector, private, early learning, digital and charter schools, State Education Agencies, DoDEA, and other areas around the globe.