The Difference Between Champions and Wannabes

A synopsis of Gabe Jaramillo’s Welcome speech for students 24-25 school year

You are here because you want to improve academically, intellectually, and athletically. Your parents are giving you the opportunity to follow your dreams and your passion, so you have a responsibility to them and to yourselves.
I believe in the power of dreaming big—actually, very big. You have to think like champions today: the way you walk, talk, and act. If you wait until you become a champion to act like one, you will never make it.
Champions are not only about winning big tournaments. Champions are people with big dreams who fight hard with everything they have, without excuses, and with enormous commitment to make those ideals a reality.
Today, I want to talk about the stark difference between champions and wannabes. It’s a difference that goes beyond talent and ability—one that strikes at the very core of what drives us to succeed.
Champions are those who never give up. They face obstacles head-on and refuse to be deterred by setbacks. When they fall—and they do fall—they get back up, dust themselves off, and press forward with even greater determination. For them, failure is not a dead end but a stepping stone toward their ultimate goal.
Wannabes, on the other hand, also have big dreams. They are filled with ambition and hope, but when faced with adversity, they are not willing to make the sacrifices required. When the road gets tough, they often give up, unable to sustain their drive through the trials and tribulations.
The true champion embraces challenges. They understand that the path to greatness is paved with hardship, and they are willing to endure the struggles because they know that each setback is a lesson, not a defeat. Their resilience and perseverance become their greatest allies.
Wannabes, however, see these challenges as insurmountable obstacles. They have dreams, but they lack the resolve to see them through. When things get difficult, their dreams remain just that—dreams that never materialize because they are unwilling to endure the necessary sacrifices.
The road to high performance is fraught with obstacles. Initially, we may overcome the first few with relative ease, but as we progress, the challenges become increasingly difficult. Though I haven’t played video games myself, I understand that they operate on a level-up system. In the early levels, players accumulate the knowledge and tools needed to advance. As they progress, the levels become more challenging, requiring more sophisticated skills and resources. Importantly, players must conquer each level sequentially; skipping ahead is not an option.
The same principle applies to sports and academics. Each setback is a chance to learn and grow. Success, whether in a game or in real life, often goes to those who demonstrate patience and perseverance. As we strive for high performance, we must avoid dwelling on our failures. Instead, we should keep our eyes forward, continue moving ahead, and embrace the lessons from each fall. There is no time to waste, and understanding that falling is part of the learning process will help us advance toward our goals.
We are the result of our actions and inactions. As coaches, we can guide you to the spring and lead you to the water, but we cannot drink for you. Each day is an opportunity for self-assessment. When you go to bed every night, ask yourself: Was I a champion today or just a wannabe?
The choice is ours. Let’s choose to be champions. Let’s choose to rise up, time and time again, and turn our dreams into reality.